How far Computer Memory we have !!!
· 1 Bit = Binary Digit
· 8 Bits = 1 Byte
· 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte
· 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte
· 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte
· 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
· 1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte
· 1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte
· 1024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte
· 1024 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte
· 1024 Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte
· 1024 Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte
This is based on the IBM Dictionary of computing method to describe disk storage - the simplest.
Now let's go into a little more detail.
Bit: A Bit is the smallest unit of data that a computer uses. It can be
used to represent two states of information, such as Yes or No.
Byte: A Byte is equal to 8 Bits. A Byte can represent 256 states of
information, for example, numbers or a combination of numbers and
letters. 1 Byte could be equal to one character. 10 Bytes could be equal
to a word. 100 Bytes would equal an average sentence.
Kilobyte: A Kilobyte is approximately 1,000 Bytes, actually 1,024 Bytes
depending on which definition is used. 1 Kilobyte would be equal to this
paragraph you are reading, whereas 100 Kilobytes would equal an entire
Megabyte: A Megabyte is approximately 1,000 Kilobytes. In the early days
of computing, a Megabyte was considered to be a large amount of data.
These days with a 500 Gigabyte hard drive on a computer being common, a
Megabyte doesn't seem like much anymore. One of those old 3-1/2 inch
floppy disks can hold 1.44 Megabytes or the equivalent of a small book.
100 Megabytes might hold a couple volumes of Encyclopedias. 600
Megabytes is about the amount of data that will fit on a CD-ROM disk.
Gigabyte: A Gigabyte is approximately 1,000 Megabytes. A Gigabyte is a
very common term used these days when referring to disk space or drive
storage. 1 Gigabyte of data is almost twice the amount of data that a
CD-ROM can hold. But it's about one thousand times the capacity of a
3-1/2 floppy disk. 1 Gigabyte could hold the contents of about 10 yards
of books on a shelf. 100 Gigabytes could hold the entire library floor
of academic journals.
Terabyte: A Terabyte is approximately one trillion bytes, or 1,000
Gigabytes. Now we are getting up there to a size that is so large that
it is not a common term yet. To put it in some perspective, a Terabyte
could hold about 3.6 million 300 Kilobyte images or maybe about 300
hours of good quality video. A Terabyte could hold 1,000 copies of the
Encyclopedia Britannica. Ten Terabytes could hold the printed collection
of the Library of Congress. That's a lot of data.
Petabyte: A Petabyte is approximately 1,000 Terabytes or one million
Gigabytes. It's hard to visualize what a Petabyte could hold. 1 Petabyte
could hold approximately 20 million 4-door filing cabinets full of
text. It could hold 500 billion pages of standard printed text. It would
take about 500 million floppy disks to store the same amount of data.
Exabyte: An Exabyte is approximately 1,000 Petabytes. Another way to
look at it is that a Petabyte is approximately one quintillion bytes or
one billion Gigabytes. There is not much to compare an Exabyte to. It
has been said that 5 Exabytes would be equal to all of the words ever
spoken by mankind.
Zettabyte: A Zettabyte is approximately 1,000 Exabytes. There is nothing
to compare a Zettabyte to but to say that it would take a whole lot of
ones and zeroes to fill it up.
Yottabyte: A Yottabyte is approximately 1,000 Zettabytes. It would take
approximately 11 trillion years to download a yottabyte file from the
Internet using high-power broadband. You can compare it to the World
Wide Web as the entire Internet almost takes up a Yottabyte.
Brontobyte: A Brontobyte is (you guessed it) approximately 1,000
Yottabytes. The only thing there is to say about a Brontobyte is that it
is a 1 followed by 27 zeroes!
Geopbyte: A Geopbyte is about 1000 Brontobytes! Not sure why this term
was created. I'm doubting that anyone alive today will ever see a
Geopbyte hard drive. One way of looking at a geopbyte is 15267 6504600
2283229 4012496 7031205 376 bytes!
Now you should have a good understanding of megabytes, gigabytes,
terabytes and everything in between. Now if we can just figure out what a
WhatsAByte is......:)
Fun Fact : - a human brain storage is upto 2.5 petabytes or 100 million gigabytes !!!
[break] The brain’s exact storage capacity for memories is difficult to calculate. First, we do not know how to measure the size of a memory. Second, certain memories involve more details and thus take up more space; other memories are forgotten and thus free up space. Additionally, some information is just not worth remembering in the first place.
This is good news because our brain can keep up as we seek new experiences over our lifetime. If the human life span were significantly extended, could we fill our brains? I’m not sure. Ask me again in 100 years.
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Interesante... y completo.
ReplyDeleteThank you, but why do I need this information
ReplyDeleteYou are dum and need it because youre brain lacks hydrocarbons
Deleteyou neeed thsi information beacsue ocmpoutyer s iecnce
Deletemr bob tenza
Deleteyou must be seeing it because you need it